6 Tips for Finding and Using "Comp" Titles

If you've been querying agents for more than five minutes, you've likely heard of comps.

"Comp" or comparative titles are exactly that: books—and in some cases TV shows and movies!—that your book's plot, characters, and/or theme can draw a direct line of comparison to.

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Four Resources for Authors Aspiring to Trade Publication

The same manuscript can sometimes get different feedback when it’s presented from the place of face time and mentorship rather than from the slush pile. So, without further ado, here are several resources meant to give you a leg up over your competition: two for those who are reaching the end of their inbox-based querying tether and two for those who might need basic querying assistance.

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Publishing, Both Trade and Indie: An Interview with Award-Winning Author Amanda Radley

I am often asked how writers make the transition from indie publishing to trade publishing, and who better to answer these questions than someone who’s made the leap herself? I asked award-winning, bestselling author Amanda Radley to answer a few questions about her career journey, and she was gracious enough to do so. You may find our conversation and her insightful answers below.

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