We’ve all been there. We ask ourselves, and our writing mentors, “How do I know when the work is done?” We agonize over all this and hate ourselves for it. We know that we need to find a way to accept that “pretty good and done” is better than “perfect and never done,” but we just can’t seem to snap ourselves out of our perfectionist tendencies.
This post helps to break the cycle.
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If you've been querying agents for more than five minutes, you've likely heard of comps.
"Comp" or comparative titles are exactly that: books—and in some cases TV shows and movies!—that your book's plot, characters, and/or theme can draw a direct line of comparison to.
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It’s standard practice for the publishing industry to take a much-needed break over the winter holidays, which means you have the next two weeks or so to feel less rushed as you gather resources and information to help you successfully query literary agents.
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Many literary agents and other publishing gatekeepers ask for a one-page novel synopsis, but how do you write one? And, more importantly, how do you chisel it down to one freakin’ page?
Breathe in. Breathe out. We’ve got you covered.
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The same manuscript can sometimes get different feedback when it’s presented from the place of face time and mentorship rather than from the slush pile. So, without further ado, here are several resources meant to give you a leg up over your competition: two for those who are reaching the end of their inbox-based querying tether and two for those who might need basic querying assistance.
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