Q&A with Tiffany Grimes of Burgeon Editorial and Design

Though freelance editing can be as lonely of a field as you want it to be, I enjoy reaching out to and socializing with my fellow editors. (At a distance these days, of course.)

I’ve known Tiffany Grimes, the editor behind Burgeon Editorial and Design, since we were wee and angsty writers participating in Teen Ink Magazine’s London Writing Program. Through the years our paths have crossed time and time again, and Tiffany is one of my favorite editors to follow on Instagram.

When I heard that she and two other editors (Jeni Chappelle and Carly Hayward) were hosting a virtual writing retreat all about character development in February 2021, I leapt at the opportunity to get more information and to share it with you.

Read on to get the full scoop on Story Threads: Unraveling Character!


Jessica Hatch (JH): I'm pretty sure I agree with you implicitly, Tiffany, but for the readers at home, why did you decide to host a retreat entirely about character?

Tiffany Grimes (TG): Character is intrinsically connected to every single aspect of a story: setting, worldbuilding, plot, etc., even in plot driven stories. If you were to replace the main character of your favorite story with another character, the plot couldn’t unfold the same way. Take Anne of Green Gables, for example. Anne’s overactive imagination and penchant for disaster propel the story forward.

By getting to the core of your character: why they do what they do, what past experiences have led them to page 1, and so on, the rest of the elements of your story are able to fall into place. Character is the foundation for revision and the very first place I start with my clients (even if sometimes they don’t even realize it).

JH: As with other key elements of novel writing, character development can be a bit of an umbrella term. Specifically what is the mission of this retreat? What can participants expect to learn or develop over a result of these four days?

TG: Our mission is to provide authors with the building blocks to create fully developed characters that leap off of the page. Filling out a character questionnaire isn’t enough—knowing your character's favorite food, favorite color, height, etc., doesn’t provide enough information to understand exactly how your character would act and react in every single situation.

We realize that most authors have some idea of what a character is, so we’ve set up our retreat so that you can choose what you need. Because there are three editors, we’re able to offer three different masterclasses to choose from—voice, deep point of view, and internal conflict—and twelve sessions to choose from ranging from antagonists to romantic tension to disability representation.

We even have some sessions geared specifically for YA and middle grade writers. The sessions are very hands on with examples and exercises so that you leave with the tools you need to create compelling characters in each and every future story.

JH: Okay, I'm sold. How do I apply? What does the retreat cost?

TG: Apply here! The full retreat costs $895, but we also have à la carte options available for those who aren’t able to participate in the full retreat. 

JH: Is financial aid available for those who need it?

TG: Yes! We completely understand that everything is unpredictable right now for so many people, so on top of the à la carte options, we’re offering two full scholarships and two partial scholarships. And we have payment plans available.

JH: What part of the retreat are you most excited for?

TG: The critique groups! Feedback is an important part of the writing process, but finding people who are willing to take the time to read your work and provide detailed feedback can seem impossible. Giving feedback on others’ work also provides hands-on experience and helps you hone your skills. I absolutely can’t wait to read your stories and get to know everyone!

Applications for Story Threads: Unraveling Character (Feb. 4-7, 2021) are still available, but for a limited time. If you’re interested in this virtual retreat, apply here!

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